27 December 2013

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

A lot of things happening in this year
Many memorable moments & unforgettable memories are created in 2013
Just a little bit more, we're heading to 2014
I'm so glad for all my blog visitor
Thank you so much for liking & supporting my blog
I'll try to improve my blog in the future to satisfy my followers
And in the end, I'm wishing you all ...
Merry Christmas 2013 & Happy New Year 2014. 

22 November 2013


Be prepared for the Bioteaching in the second semester!
You can see the rules, topic, schedule, and scoring category in the file below. 
Write your name and the number of the topic that you choose on the comment box in this post.
Download here

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.  

14 November 2013

Mariah Carey - The Art of Letting Go (Single Premiere)

This is the brand new single of Mariah Carey's new single "The Art of Letting Go". The single seems like an old Mariah's song but the lyric really touches for heartbroken listeners. Enjoy!

10 November 2013

Biology Final Semester Hints

These are the hints for Biology final test in the first semester.
Class VII
-The difference between material and occurrence in biotic & abiotic components.
-Types of microscope.
-The parts of microscope.
-Laboratory instruments and chemical symbols.
-Scientific names.
-Taxonomic rank.
-Kingdoms (characteristics, classification, uses, and examples).

Class VIII
-The difference between growth & development.
-Factors affecting growth & development in plants and animals.
-The stages of human growth + menstruation.
-Metagenesis & metamorphosis.
-Classification of bones.
-The structure of human skeleton.
-Types of joints.
-Types of muscles.
-Bones and muscles disorders.
-Digestive system organs.
-Enzymes and disorders in digestive system.

Class X
-The scope of Biology.
-Scientific method.
-Taxonomic ranks.
-Binomial nomenclature.
-Virus (characteristics, reproduction, structures, roles for human's life, and vaccines).
-Eubacteria (shapes, structures, and life cycle).
-Archaebacteria (characteristics & classification).
-Protists : Protozoan & algae (characteristics, reproduction, classification, roles for human's life, & examples).
-Fungi (characteristics, classification, reproduction, examples, and roles for human's life).
-Lichen & mycorrhiza.

Class XI Science
-Structures of cell (organelles).
-The differences between animal & plant cell.
-Transport mechanism.
-Types of plant tissue.
-Types of animal tissue.
-Types of bones.
-The structure of human skeleton.
-Types of joints.
-Types of muscles.
-Movement system disorders.
-Vertebrates circulatory system.
-Blood (cells, blood grouping, blood clotting mechanism, classification of blood cells, & functions).
-Blood vessels (types and identifications).
-Heart (pulmonary & systemic circulatory system, blood pressure, and structures).
-Circulatory system disorders.
-Human digestive organs.
-Animal digestive system.
-Digestive system disorders.

Class XII Science
-The difference between growth & development.
-Anabolism & catabolism.
-Enzyme (structure, characteristics, work mechanism, and factors).
-Aerobic respiration (the input and output).
-Chromosome (structure & classification).
-DNA vs RNA.
-Protein synthesis (transcription & translation).
-Cell division (stages of mitosis and meiosis).
-Heredity calculation.
-Types of mutation.
-Evolution theory : Charles Darwin's theory.
-Conventional vs modern biotechnology.
-Genetic recombination.
-Tissue culture.
-Application of microorganisms for human's life (species name & its function).

Good luck for the final test.

03 November 2013

Final Test is Coming Soon

It's about 1 month left for the final test in the first semester. For all students, please submit all remedials before 22 November 2013. These are the materials for Biology practical test which will be held at the second week of November. 
VII - Microscope
VIII - Human skeleton
X - Microscope
XI Science - Your own designed practicum
XII Science - Your own presentation / handmade things about Biology material
Good luck for the final test.

25 October 2013

The Story of Chicken

There is a chicken family. There is a chicken leader which is called chiko. Chiko always loves his 12 chickmates. He tries the best to help them fly (is it possible?). Even if he has to do the cruelest thing, he'll do everything to make the others fly. The chickmates follow him well but one time Chiko hears the chickmates badmouth him because they don't like the way Chiko teach them. Let's say it is Pok Pok. Chiko is very disappointed but Chiko never has a revenge on them, he just smiles with a broken heart.
In another day, Chiko tries to congratulate Kuk Kuk because he can fly a little. Kuk Kuk has a bad personality. He doesn't appreciate Chiko's affection. Once again, Chiko is not angry. He just smiles with a broken heart. But thing gets worse when Chiko realize that Kuk Kuk spread out his conversation to the other chicken. Chiko feels very betrayed and heartbroken. Chiko wants to fry them into KFC premium quality and eat them all like a cannibal chicken. But he considers that they are still chicks and he still love them no matter what they have done to him. What should Chiko do? Chiko needs an advice from the readers. To be continued... [ Based on true story ]

29 September 2013

How to Drop Shot in Badminton?


Adalah pukulan yang dilakukan seperti smes. Perbedaannya pada posisi raket saat perkenaan dengan kok. Bola dipukul dengan dorongan dan sentuhan yang halus. Dropshot (pukulan potong) yang balk adalah apabila jatuhnya bola dekat dengan net dan tidak melewati garis ganda.

Karakteristik pukulan potong ini adalah, kok sentiasa jatuh dekat jaring di daerah lapangan lawan. Oleh karena itu harus mampu melakukan pukulan yang sempurna dengan berbagai sikap dan posisi badan dari sudut-sudut lapangan permainan. Faktor pegangan raket, gerak kaki yang cepat, posisi badan dan proses perpindahan berat badan yang harmonis pada saat memukul merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan pukulan ini.

Sikap persiapan awal dan gerak memukul tidak berbeda dengan pukulan smes. Dalam pelaksanaan pukulan potong ini, adalah menempatkan kok pada sudut-sudut lapangan lawan sedekat mungkin jaring/net, dengan variasi gerak tipu badan dan raket sebelum perkenaan raket dan kok, yang menyebabkan lawan terlambat mengatisipasi dan bereaksi atas datangnya kok secara mendadak.

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan:
1. Pergunakan pegangan forehand. Pegang raket dan posisinya di samping bahu.
2. Posisi badan menyamping (vertikal) dengan arah net, posisi kaki kanan berada dibelakang kaki kiri. Pada saat memukul bola, harus terjadi perpindahan beban badan dari kaki kanan ke kaki kiri.
3. Posisi badan harus selalu diupayakan berada di belakang bola.
4. Pada saat perkenaan bola, tangan harus lurus, menjangkau bola dan dorong dengan sentuhan halus.
5. Untuk arah forehand lawan, pukul bagian Iengkungan bola sebelah kanan dan lengkung kiri bola untuk tujuan backhand.
6. Posisi akhir raket mengikuti arah bola.Biasakan bergerak cepat mengambil posisi pukul yang tepat di belakang kok.
7. Perhatikan gerak langkah dan keseimbangan badan pada saat dan setelah memukul kok.
8. Kok harus dipukul dengan sikap lengan lurus dan hanya menggunakan tenaga kecil.
9. Pukulan potong ini mengandung aspek kehalusan gerak dan gerak tipu.

This is a video about how to drop shot:
And this is high quality drop shot by Mia Audina (former Indonesian woman single player):

Samantha Jade - Turn Around (Official Video)

I love this song and music video. Samantha Jade is a very good singer. New Australian pop sensation!

04 July 2013

Teacher Training 2013

We've undergone a 3 days teacher training in Kampoeng Legok (Lembang) 1st - 3rd July 2013. We learnt a lot in those seminars and I believe that we are closer than ever as teachers of MB2 School. We also met some teachers from MB3 (Jelambar). We saw a different aspect of education from them. I hope that this academic year will be amazing and better than last year. 

10 June 2013

Late B'day Celebration

Yesterday, I celebrated my and Denis' B'day with my closed friends
Even it's late but it was so much fun
Thanks for the surprise and gift
It was an irreplaceable moment for me
Thank you ...

08 June 2013

The End of Academic Year 2012/2013

Finally, we've reached the end of academic year 2012/2013
All the final test have been done
I've been working in that school for 1 year and 3 months
Even I have an unpleasant moment with my workmate but I'm really glad to work there
Thank you for all the joys, tears, happiness, and togetherness in that school
I'm really thankful to have such wonderful students, especially for those who are my close friends
Even though I want but I've to move on with my life
Really hope to see you again sometimes in the future
Thus, thank you and see you ...

10 May 2013

Mariah Carey - #Beautiful (Feat. Miguel) Video Premiere

This is the official video of Mariah's #Beautiful featuring Miguel.
What do you think about this video?
I think that the video really shows the title of the song because Mariah is still beautiful in her 42's.

07 May 2013

Mariah Carey New Single "Beautiful" Featuring Miguel

Here's Mariah new single "Beautiful" featuring Grammy award winner Miguel.
The song feels like a different new era of her and I think that it's a great summer song.
Let's support her to make that single #1 again.

05 May 2013

Panda VS Dragon (The Trailer)

This is the trailer of the sparring match between my team (Panda team) vs Dragon team.
Thanks Ivan Saputra for the wonderful video.

24 March 2013


Ini adalah slide tentang "Bioseminar" untuk kelas XI IPA.
Good luck!

27 January 2013

Download Buku Pelajaran Sekolah Gratis

Hi, semuanya.
Bagi kalian yang ingin mendownload BSE (Buku Sekolah Elektronik) secara gratis dapat didownload pada link di bawah ini :
Jika kalian juga punya link yang berhubungan dengan BSE, mohon bisa dishare juga di sini.
Terima kasih dan selamat belajar.

26 January 2013

My Graduation Memorial

These are my graduation photos, I miss it so much. If only I could turn back the time...

20 January 2013

Badminton GSO Tournament

Senin kemarin, yaitu tanggal 14 Januari 2012, kami telah mengikuti pertandingan badminton antar sekolah di GS Penabur Serpong.
Kami mendapat bye di babak pertama dan bertemu dengan SHB di babak kedua.
Meski telah berjuang, namun kami harus mengakui keunggulan SHB dengan 0-3.
Memang kelas tim kami jauh di bawah SHB dan anak2 pun tidak bermain maksimal.
Kami bermain di bawah tekanan dan tidak menunjukkan performa yang bagus.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa foto yang sempat diambil saat lomba tersebut.

Semoga ini menjadi pengalaman yang berharga untuk tim kami dan kami akan menjadi lebih baik ke depannya.

03 January 2013

First Daily Test for XII Science

It's almost national final exam for class XII Science.
In order to improve your skills due to the exam, I give you the assignment to practice you more. 
These assignments will be scored and the score will be inputted as the first daily test score. 
The grouping for the assignment will be :
Eric, Josse, Vincent --> Paket A Ujian Nasional Biologi 2011/2012 
Novika, Novia, Susanto --> Paket B Ujian Nasional Biologi 2011/2012 
p.s. :
1. Do it on your own --> it's not about the score!
2. Download it, print it, and do it!
3. Submit it before 22 January 2013
If there is any question about this assignment, please put it on the guest book at the lower right corner of this page. Thank you...